Cazino Stars

4.7 / 5. 6

  • Sit iddisinjat tajjeb
  • Ħafna slots
  • Kriptografiku
  • Kontenut tal-każinò ħajjin
  • Tipi ta 'logħob addizzjonali

100% sa € 1200 + 150 Spins Ħieles

Żur is-sit

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

informazzjoni ġenerali

Liċenzji tal-każinò: Curacao

Is-sena mwaqqfa: 2022

sid: Sterplay Holding Ltd

Numru ta' logħob: 2000 +

Min. Depożitu: $20

Min. Irtirar: $20



Fornituri ta' softwer (logħob).

Korp tal-Logħob
Logħob Leap
Tom Horn Gaming
Vivo Gaming



metodi ta 'ħlas

Cazino Stars

cazino stars tirrevedi

100% sa € 1200 + 150 Spins Ħieles

Żur is-sit

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

dwar Cazino Stars

Content is king where gaming is concerned, and boy, do we have a lot to go at here. Cazino Stars gives you what you want and need, and then a whole heap more on top. You get the standard main courses of slots, table games and live casino. But then along comes the dessert menu, with a VIP Program, Jackpots and more. This is an online casino that wants to deliver the best of the best for their players, and they do an excellent job of it.

The first thing that catches our eye when loading the Cazino Stars homepage is the animated banner. Because, on one of the slides, there are three wanted posters of outlaws, and it all fits with the colour scheme of the site, which is gold and black. So, you get the feeling there is a theme involved.

Cazino Stars Merħba Bonus

While you may not say the name Cazino Stars can lead you to cowboys and so on, it's always a great idea to have a gaming site with a theme, as visitors will appreciate it and find it more immersive than a generic online casino that is very bland visually and with how it goes about its business.

You could put a lot of Cazino Stars’s ideas down to them being new kids on the block compared to many other operators. The platform has been trading since 2020 but have made headway in becoming a popular choice with punters already. As one of the newer operators on the scene, it’s allowed the team behind Cazino Stars to learn what players want, what the trends are, and what they need to do to provide the ultimate gaming experience, which they’re well on their way to doing, for several reasons.

Is-sit huwa viżwalment impressjonanti, u l-interface tal-utent wieħed li kulħadd jista 'jieħu ħsieb li jimmarka ħafna kaxxi wkoll. Tidħol direttament fl-azzjoni tal-logħob permezz tal-paġna ta’ quddiem peress li hija mgħobbija bil-minijaturi. Jew, tista 'tagħżel li tikklikkja waħda mill-ħafna għażliet biex tieħu inti permezz ta' kategorija ta 'għażla.

Pajjiżi aċċettati minn Cazino Stars


Mhux disponibbli

Logħob casino

As we have seen with other slots from this group of casinos, they have a specific way of presenting them, and it’s something we like. You can choose to dive straight in by clicking one of the many slot game thumbnails that appear on the homepage.

The categories on there are Logħob Top u, Bonus Logħob, so you know that anything you decide to play will be exciting and enjoyable.

Of course, man punters will want to see the slot collection in its entirety, something they can do by hitting the każinò link at the top of the page. When you take this option, you will have all the slot thumbnails in front of you, allowing you to choose from a larger selection.

There is a search function to make things easier, so players who know the name of the slot they want to play can be up and running in less than thirty seconds. And, as always, there is the option to filter by the provider because all the developers’ names are listed.

Cazino Stars slots

Betsoft, tom horn, sprite, Wazdan, BGaming:, Belatra, Aviatrix, Spinomenali u, Logħob tal-Hacksaw stand out, as they’re some of the best studios in the business, and their games are of a high quality.

U, minħabba li hemm aktar minn ħamsa u tletin żviluppatur li jwasslu kontenut ta 'slot fuq bażi regolari, ikollok il-varjetà u jkollok il-paċi tal-moħħ li l-punters qatt mhu se jkunu mwaħħla għal xi ħaġa x'tilgħab. Hemm logħob għal kulħadd, u l-għażla tiġi aġġornata regolarment.

Logħob Live

It’s not a negative to suggest that most visitors to an online każinò are there to play video slots. It’s just fact. But, it doesn’t mean that table games aren’t still of interest to a lot of players. In fact, you could suggest that table games have been on a journey of evolution because now you have the traditional offering, but it’s supported by live content.

Cazino Stars - Live Dealer

To access the traditional table games, which many will know as auto table games, hit Tabella Logħob at the top of the homepage. The screen you move to, akin to the slot page, is loaded with thumbnails, a search function and the option to filter by provider. It has all the games you can think of, from Blackjack u, roulette, Li Sic Bo u, plinko.

Of course, nowadays, more people than ever before want an authentic casino experience, which they can enjoy at Cazino Stars billi tikklikkja Casino Live fil-quċċata tal-iskrin. Vivo Gaming are on hand to deliver stunning content in real-time, such as live blackjack and game shows.

Proċess ta ’Reġistrazzjoni

If you want to play the great games at Cazino Stars, you need to register as a member. And to do this, you must first hit the gold box in the top right corner with Irregistra written across it.

Cazino Stars Bonus tar-reġistrazzjoni

A click of Sign Up will spring a pop up into life. After filling out some basic details such as your address, currency of choice, and some personal information, you will be a fully-fledged and active member of the Cazino Stars komunità.

Karatteristiċi tas-Sit

If you’re an online casino operator, your main goal has to be to keep your members happy. And the best way to do this is by providing them with everything they need. You could suggest that Cazino Stars do this because their list of available content is off the chart.

Cazino Stars signup perks

For example, yes, you will see jackpot games at many other online casinos, but most offerings aren’t as in-depth as shown in Cazino Stars. You give it a click, and you will always see there are several jackpots ready to be won.

Għażliet Bankarji

Cazino Stars takes the option of making the platform welcoming to both fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies, which we think is the way to go at present. Again, it's a case of appealing to as many people are possible, being inclusive, and this is the way to do it.

On the fiat currency side of the coin, to transact funds, you are going to see Viża, Mastercard, Għalliema, Cashlib, Neosurf and the likes, all get the thumbs up. They’re credible, and that’s crucial. Then, where cryptos are concerned, Cazino Stars will only accept respected and proven ones. So you won’t find any random coins in use.

Kif Tiddepożita fi Cazino Stars

Ħafna drabi ikollok tħossok dwar kif se jkun id-depożitu meta tiffirma f'każinò online. Allura, f'dan il-każ, nistennew li l-affarijiet ikunu sempliċi. Biex tibda depożitu, kun żgur li vverifikajt il-kont tiegħek permezz tal-link mibgħuta lill-indirizz elettroniku użat matul il-proċess ta 'reġistrazzjoni.

Meta tlesti dan ta' hawn fuq, idħol fil-kont tiegħek, mur għall-iskrin tal-Kont Tiegħi, u ħu l-għażla Depożitu. Jekk qed tuża munita fiat, int se ttajpja d-dettalji tal-metodu tal-ħlas tiegħek, tagħżel kemm trid tiddepożita, u t-tranżazzjoni titlesta.

For crypto users, you will use your kartiera cryptocurrency to send the funds you want to add to your account to the address provided by Cazino Stars.

Kif tirtira fi Cazino Stars

L-irtirar għandu jsegwi premessa simili għad-depożitu, jew il-plejers malajr jitpoġġew. Illum il-ġurnata, il-punters ma jridux proċessi ta’ rtirar fit-tul bla bżonn li jieħdu għal dejjem biex jaslu minn A għal B.

Again, the method is almost identical to what you see above. You log into the Member's area move to My Account, but this time take the Withdraw option. If it's fiat currency you're using, you will either type in the details and the amount, or the information will already be waiting for you as you've used it before.

Crypto withdrawals are the opposite to deposits as this time, the member must provide their wallet address, rather than the other way round. So, when the request gets the thumbs up, Cazino Stars can send the goods.

Cazino Stars payments all

Customer Support

Scroll to the bottom of the page to check out the customer service options. Contact us, Payments, FAQ and the speech bubble icon are the important elements here.

Nibdew bl Ikkuntatjana, here you will find an email address,, which is ideal for non-urgent matters. The same applies to the speech bubble, which will open a contact form.

il FAQ comes in handy, as it will answer those questions that everyone is asking. And for payment info, hit Payments, or you can access it by going into the FAQ and using the drop-down menu at the top of the page. There is also a suggestion of a chat, which we believe is for members only, so you must have an account and be logged in to use it.


Iva. Cazino Stars is a legitimate online casino and is licensed by the Government of Curacao.
GBP, EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, SEK u NOK huma kollha aċċettati.
You can use Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin at Cazino Stars.
Cazino Stars will usually take up to two business days to process withdrawals.
Le, m'int se ġġarrab ebda ħlas meta tirkupra fondi mill-kont tiegħek.
Iva, f'xi punt, l-utenti jridu jippruvaw l-identità tagħhom billi jtellgħu d-dokumenti mitluba.
Yes, many of the thumbnails at Cazino Stars, when you hover over them or click, will present the option to try the game for free.
Iva, plejers ġodda dejjem se jirċievu premju ta 'xi tip, bħal pakkett ta' merħba, meta jżidu fondi fil-kont tagħhom għall-ewwel darba.

4.7 / 5. 6

cazino stars tirrevedi

Cazino Stars

4.7 /5

100% sa € 1200 + 150 Spins Ħieles

  • Sit iddisinjat tajjeb
  • Ħafna slots
  • Kriptografiku

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

C Grand
C Grand

Chris GrandReviżur tal-Casino u tal-Logħob

Bħala kittieb tal-kontenut li jispeċjalizza fl-iGaming, l-għan tiegħi huwa li nżomm lill-plejers infurmati dwar l-aħħar tendenzi tal-industrija u l-ħruġ tal-logħob. Nistinka wkoll biex inwassal kontenut onest u intuwittiv li jżid valur lill-esperjenza tal-plejers.

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