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Reactoonz Slot Game Demo Play » Play'n Go

3.5 / 5. 2

Riobet Casino Reviżjoni

Riobet Casino:

4.6 /5

50 Spins Ħieles fuq ir-Reġistrazzjoni + 100% Match Bonus.

  • Imħatri Live
  • 9450 + Logħob
  • Kripto Aċċettat

Fornitur tal-Logħob: Play'n Go

RTP: 94.51%

Linji ta 'ħlas: Cluster Pay

Bet Minimu: 0.2

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Barrani u Spazju, Logħob

Volatilità: Għoli

Rilaxx Data: 24/10/2017

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Reactoonz hija new video slot from Play’n Go, and it’s fast become one of their most popular releases to date, offering players some of the best win potential found in a Logħba Play'n Go peress li, ngħidu aħna, Ktieb ta 'Mejjet.

The game has come under criticism for being a little child-like… although in the grand scheme of things, you’ll see that once you begin playing, it’s a far cry from childish… and one of the main reasons it’s become so popular (apart from the monstrous win potential available), is the continual array of features and bonuses that can be found within the game.

Reactoonz slot game demo play

We’ll cover these features and bonuses a little later on; first, let’s look at what the game looks like. First, you’ll see 8 different Reactoonz creatures on the reels. The bland, colour-only ones are the lower-paying symbols within the game, and you won’t see any traditional playing card symbols, including Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace.

il game’s higher-paying symbols tinkludi a blu, Aħdar, u, Yellow monster - u il highest paying of the bunch hija Pink Monster, which is where all the big win potential is found.

Hemm ukoll selvaġġ Simbolu, like a see-through orb of light, which substitutes for all symbols within the game. There are no scatter symbols or anything like that, as the bonus – if you can call it that – is triggered by filling up a metre, which we’ll cover details of in the section below.

Kodiċi tal-bonus intelliġenti RagingBull

Depożita $30 Ikseb 50 Spins Ħieles

Game Slots Video

FS (Ċippa): 50

Kodiċi(i) tal-bonus: SMART250

Validu sa avviż ieħor

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Kodiċi Bonus Bonus

Game Id-Dar tal-Klieb

FS (Ċippa): $45 + 200 FS + $10

Kodiċi(i) tal-bonus: CRPLAY

Validu sa avviż ieħor

Ifdi Promozzjoni

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

game Karatteristiċi

The first thing to be aware of is that SELVAĠĠI are created when you make a win with a specific symbol. Once you press the spin button, one of the 8 symbols is randomly chosen, and any wins made using this symbol leave behind two wild symbols for the next reaction.

You can also be awarded between 4 and 8 random wild symbols on any non-winning spin, which greatly aids in your attempt to win big. Now, each time you win, you’ll see the metres on the right-hand side of the screen filling up.

Each time you make wins with 25 symbols; you’ll be awarded a feature, including demolition, alternation, incision, and instability; each has its unique power and does things like adding wilds, turning all vertical symbols into the same, and so on.

If you manage to fill all 5 metres on a single spin, you’ll trigger the Gargantoon bonus, which is the main focus of the slot; this sees a huge 3X3 wild symbol added to the reels, leading to – well, as you can probably imagine – massive win potential.

Once the giant wild has finished making wins, you’ll see two 2X2 wilds added, and then after that, there are 10 singular wilds added, too – and this is where the biggest win opportunities are found.

Filwaqt li Reactoonz is quite low-variance, it can go long periods without paying much – and you’ll want to hit the Gargantoon to make massive wins (with up to 5,000X your stake available here, on a single spin!).


  • Tond bonus eċċitanti ħafna, Reactoonz huwa kbir għax kull spin huwa daqstant eċċitanti bħall-aħħar - m'hemmx perjodi twal ta '"ma jsir xejn" li jinstab hawn!


  • Ir-rebħiet tal-logħba tal-bażi huma tipikament pjuttost żgħar, għalhekk tistenna li tara ftit rebħiet pjuttost inqas mill-ishma tiegħek.
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