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Orca Slot Machine Demo » from Novomatic

3.5 / 5. 2

Riobet Casino Reviżjoni

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4.6 /5

50 Spins Ħieles fuq ir-Reġistrazzjoni + 100% Match Bonus.

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Fornitur tal-Logħob: Novomatic

RTP: 95.06%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 50

Bet Minimu: 0.5

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Sottomarin

Volatilità: Għoli

Rilaxx Data: 12/09/2013

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pont iżviluppaturi ewlenin ta' slots tal-każinò have released games where the game action is focused on underwater adventures.

Orca Video Slot demo

Novomatic is one such developer, and the company has some of the most excellent releases, such as the Dolphin's Pearl Deluxe slot logħba. This developer also has a slot game called orca, which is slightly different and more modern. Find out more by playing the Orca slot machine online.

il Orca Video Slot has features to bring the gentle sea giant to life as you venture deep into the Arctic Ocean’s underwater world. There are soothing sounds, stunning graphics, stacked Orcas, free spins, and wild symbols awaiting you.

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Pakkett ta’ Merħba ta’ €888 + 50 Spins Ħieles.

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game Karatteristiċi

Out of all the features that make the Orca slot machine to stand out as a modern slot, are the number of pay-lines, and it deserves our full attention. This does not come often, but Novomatic allows you to play on 50-win lines with the reels spanning across 4 rows instead of the traditional 3.

You can reduce the pay-lines, but you should always try to play the maximum amount as this will give you more chances to take advantage of the more winning opportunities.

il best prizes in the regular play will come from icons such as sea lions, penguins, and the Orca. That symbol could also appear in stacks of 2, making it far more important for you to activate as many pay lines as you possibly can.

A Mayan Mask tirrappreżenta l - Wild card that can fill in gaps, which is somewhat unusual as it’s unrelated to the theme. The Orca’s tail is the other important symbol, and it will give 10 free spins if you spin in three or more.

It is only possible to re-trigger the spins once more to get 5 additional ones, but you could still get big wins with the extra wilds on all the reels besides the first.

Orca slot hija logħba tal-isturdament b'mod ġenerali b'tema interessanti u eċċitanti. Tista 'tibda tilgħab il-logħba tal-magni slot Orca b'xejn onlajn biex tgawdi dak kollu li toffri!

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