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Cheng Gong Demo Slots » minn Eyecon

3.3 / 5. 3

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4.9 /5

Pakkett ta’ Merħba ta’ €1200 + 150 Spins Ħieles.

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

Fornitur tal-Logħob: eyecon

RTP: 95.3%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 25



Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Orjentali u Asjatiċi

Volatilità: Baxxa

Rilaxx Data: 22/09/2017

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Cheng Gong

Cheng Gong hija traduzzjoni approssimattiva ħafna miċ-Ċiniż għall-Ingliż, li tgħid il-kelma: “jirnexxi”, – u filwaqt li t-traduzzjoni mhix perfetta, hija qrib biżżejjed għalina. U qrib biżżejjed għal eyecon, li ddeċidew li jsemmu wieħed mill-video slots tagħhom warajh!

Kif tista 'timmaġina, Cheng Gong huwa l- slot we are reviewing in this post – the first thing you want to join your attention to is the incredibly high-quality graphical design going into the game.

Cheng Gong demo slot

You will see this from the moment you load the game up, and even the loading screen showcases just what Eyecon are capable of – and had to the reels.

You’ll also see a variety of game-specific symbols, including a Statue, a water container, a golden coin, a golden gate, a silver ingot, a phase, a mask, an umbrella, and a fan.

The musical soundtrack that accompanies each spin is also pretty much perfect – and it’s no surprise to see why Cheng Gong has become one of the software provider’s most popular slots ever released.

Now, the other symbol you’ll want to draw your attention to is the Princess – the reason behind this is that she acts as both a scatter symbol and a selvaġġ Simbolu, substituting for all of the other symbols in the game, apart from the Red Lantern Scatter Symbol which triggers a separate bonus which we’ll cover later. As you’re probably desperate to learn more about the bonus, let’s not wait any longer.

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

game Karatteristiċi

The main bonus is called the Dancing Princess Price Pick, and this is triggered by landing three, four, or five of the Princess scatter symbols we just talked about. Once you land them, you’ll enter a Pick Me Bonus, where you get between three and five picks, with each pick-off worth up to 100 X your stake.

There’s also a red Lantern Price Pick feature on offer. In here, you still get a iġborni tip ta 'bonus, but instead of winning cash prizes, new and free spins instead, and the multiplier, and it’s possible to win up to 25 free spins with a 3X multiplier, should you get the best picks possible.

Matul il- ħielsa spins, huwa possible to re-trigger them up to 15 times in total – and this, of course, offers tremendous potential for making big wins, as you can go on… Well, for quite some time!


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