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Jack’s Beanstalk Video Slot Demo » from NextGen

3.7 / 5. 3

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Depożita & Ikseb bonus ta' depożitu ta' 150%.

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

Fornitur tal-Logħob: NextGen

RTP: 95.46%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 25

Bet Minimu: 0.25

Bet Bet: 625

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Cartoon, Fantasy, Maġija u Sħaħar

Volatilità: Medja

Rilaxx Data: 21/10/2015

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Jack's Beanstalk

Jack’s Beanstalk video slot is a fun-packed story-based machine game that is developed and launched by Next Gen Gaming software. Jack and the Beanstalk is a fairytale which is considered a classic.

Jack’s Beanstalk video slot demo

Coming to the basics, to start this game, you must have 25 coins. Furthermore, the game has 25-pay lines, and it contains 5 reels. In this video slot game, you can win a jackpot of 2500 dollars if you are lucky enough. To make things better, there are three bonus rounds, which is pretty awesome.

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game Karatteristiċi

A player can have so many winnings by playing this game. The UpWild Feature activates once you find the magic bean. As the name suggests, in the ‘up wild’ feature, the magic beans are wilds and grow an enormous giant wild beanstalk.

Furthermore, you are granted free 3 spins with 3 free spins. Secondly, in the Golden Egg Feature, you can get a bonus if you are lucky enough. In this feature, you choose a pick to win up to 100 times your stake. You can have big wins in the up-wild feature of the game.

It has symbols taken from the fairy tale, including Jack, the hammer, the giant’s castle, a giant and a harp. The slot machine visuals are in the clouds, and the background settings are splendid.

In the game, Jack is shown as older than in the real fairy tale, where he is still a boy. Jack is always smiling in the game.

Jack’s Beanstalk video slot għandha wkoll karatteristika tal-logħob tal-azzard in which after every won game, you get to gamble. Through the gambling feature, you can double your winning.

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