Għandek bżonn tidħol biex tilgħab

Chubby Princess Slot Machine Demo » PlayPearls

4.5 / 5. 2

Flush.com Casino Reviżjoni

Flush Casino

4.6 /5

Depożita & Ikseb bonus ta' depożitu ta' 150%.

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

Fornitur tal-Logħob: Play Perli

RTP: 90.05%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 25

Bet Minimu: 1

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Cartoon, Ikel, Maġija u Sħaħar

Volatilità: Għoli

Rilaxx Data: 24/05/2016

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Prinċipessa bużżieqa

Playperls hija gaming developer which has a wide range of slot machines with entertaining themes that players can pick from and enjoy as well as win good amount of points through.

Chubby Princess slot machine demo

Prinċipessa bużżieqa hija waħda mill-ħafna pop slots free coin games with a humorous theme. The game has a tema girly ħafna mal- Barbie pupa-tema and symbols which a Disney Game would use such as a magic stick with pink star u naturalment il ċikkulati u, purple perfume.

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game Karatteristiċi

Chubby Princess slot machine has five reels, and each of them has three symbols on it. There are total twenty-five pay-lines on this game.

Like the many other games offered on Playpearls Gaming, this one also does not offer any features which would multiply the won amount of players but it definitely offers other features which are going to allow the players to stack up on the coins.

Hemm il- famuż Simbolu tat-tifrix karatteristika to activate which, players must land the scatter symbols on the reels in order to win different bundles of free spins and might even win further prizes.

Il-plejers għandhom ukoll il- selvaġġ Simbolu feature on this slot. To trigger this feature, players should get the wild symbol on the reels and afterwards they will get prizes in various different ways.

Din il-logħba hija magħmula biex tindaqq minn kull tip ta 'apparat li jinkludi apparati portabbli bħal telefowns u iPods. Il-plejers jistgħu jgawdu l-logħob minn kullimkien li għandhom aċċess għal wi-fi u jilagħbuh kull meta jkunu mtaqqba u burdati biex jirbħu xi punti tajbin.

The maximum amount which players are allowed to place on bet is $1.0. On the other hand, the lowest amount which can be put on bet is €0.1.

There is no doubt that the theme of this is rather too girly but anyone would find it very entertaining for a while when they are in a mood to add something new to their taste. Another thing which cannot be ignore about this slot is the features through which players have multiple chances to win good amount of points and have a great online casino experience.

Notifika ta '

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