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Glorious Rome Sl Slot Demo » Play Pragmatiku

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Riobet Casino Reviżjoni

Riobet Casino:

4.6 /5

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Fornitur tal-Logħob: pragmatiku Play

RTP: 94.11%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 20

Bet Minimu: 0.2

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Grieg

Volatilità: Għoli

Rilaxx Data: 11/06/2014

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Ruma glorjuża

Take a trip with pragmatiku Play għal Ruma glorjuża at a time when wealth and prosperity were the way of life. In this beautifully rendered roman empire themed slot, players can enjoy the statues carved from marble and a wall with beautiful carvings as the background.

While the tones of the background are muted, the symbols are not. There are some seriously dramatic sounds as you spin the reels and symbols land.

Glorious Rome slot demo

Int tkun qed iżżur Ruma glorjuża on the 5×3 grid with 20 non-adjustable paylines. It’s here where players meet Caesar, a legionnaire, gladiator and a fair lady, all drawn in a realistic-looking way with phenomenal detail.

The Romans did enjoy their food and drink, so that’s on the reels too, as are a scroll, horn and a bag of gold coin. To pay a visit to Ruma glorjuża, place a bet of between 0.20 cents and €100.00.

Glorious Rome għandha mhux biss wilds 1 iżda 2, l-iljun u l-Quadrica aħmar, l-iljun iħallas l-ogħla sa 1,000x l-imħatra. Hemm ukoll rawnd ta 'spin b'xejn biex jgħin biex iħeġġeġ il-bankroll tiegħek fid-direzzjoni t-tajba. Filwaqt li l-karatteristiċi huma intriganti, il- L-RTP jista' jkun li jkisser il-ftehim għal xi wħud peress li dan huwa biss 94.11%, which is rather low for a Pragmatic slot.

B'mod ġenerali, il-plejers jistgħu jistennew gameplay ġust u divertenti f'Ruma Glorious u grazzi għall-varjanza baxxa; rebħiet żgħar huma pjuttost frekwenti. Is-sessjoni tal-logħob hija bla xkiel, b'karatteristiċi speċjali biżżejjed biex iżżomm il-logħba interessanti.

Riobet Casino Reviżjoni

Riobet Casino:

4.6 /5

50 Spins Ħieles fuq ir-Reġistrazzjoni + 100% Match Bonus.

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Reviżjoni tal-Casino Revolution

Revolution Casino

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ


game Karatteristiċi

Get carried back to the glory of Rome with symbols that match the theme perfectly. Land the lower-value Grapes, Horn, or Scroll and get from 5x to 100x the coins per line.

Li tolqot il goblet or the coin purse will bring in 7x, 20x or 120x for 3, 4, or 5 symbols. For the higher tie symbols such as Caesar, Fair Lady, Legioaire or Gladiator, landing 3 of the same can bring in from 10x at the bottom to 500x at the maximum.

il Quadriga is both the wild and the scatter symbol at the same time. Land 3 or more of the scatter symbol, and it will trigger Jupiter’s gift free spins round with up to 10 free spins.

Win even more free spins during the bonus round by landing more of the Quadriga scatter symbols. Before the free spins start, one of the character symbols will be chosen.

Din il simbolu will become a scatter symbol which can payout without having to land on a payline. In addition to awarding the free spins, the Quadriga will also award a payout when 3, 4, or 5 symbols hit 2x, 20x and 200x.

il Wild lion symbol will substitute for any other symbol that can land on the reels except for the scatter symbols. The wild symbol will pay out from 5x to 1,000x for landing from three to five of the same symbol.


  • Grafika 3D sabiħa;
  • Spins Ħieles ġenerużi tond;
  • Perfetta għal-logħob mobbli.


  • Firxa żgħira tal-imħatri;
  • L-ebda Jackpot offrut;
  • Is-sehem massimu jista' jkun ogħla.

FAQs Ruma Glorious

Yes, Land three or more scatter / wild symbols to get awarded free spins.

Iva, il-logħba tal-islott minn Pragmatic huma kollha favur il-mowbajl.

Le, f'Ruma Glorious, m'hemm l-ebda jackpot li jista' jintrebaħ.

Iva, jekk jogħġbok żur il-websajt Prammatic biex taċċessa l-logħba fil-modalità demo.

Notifika ta '

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