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Demo Black Horse Machine Frott » minn Wazdan

4.8 / 5. 4

Reviżjoni tal-Casino Revolution

Revolution Casino

4.7 /5

100% sa € 500 + 200 Spins Ħieles

  • Bonuses Ġenerużi
  • Varjetà Wiesgħa tal-Logħba
  • Live Negozjant Esperjenza

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

Fornitur tal-Logħob: Wazdan

RTP: 96.07%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 5

Bet Minimu: 0.20

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Magni tal-Frott

tema: Stil klassiku, Frott u Bars, Wild West

Volatilità: Medja

Rilaxx Data: 20/02/2012

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Żiemel iswed

How you would like to ride horses and tame mustangs in the Wild West bħala cowboy for a day or maybe longer? il Black Horse Fruit Machine Game is here to help make this dream a reality whenever you want.

Black Horse fruit machine demo

il Żiemel iswed hija bi tliet rukkelli, five-pay-line slot minn Wazdan Gaming. It has a nice background with an animation of a black stallion galloping through a desert and stunning sunset.

The symbols on the reels are not designed with stylish animations, but they are good to look at. These include horseshoes, black horses, cactuses, coins, and classic balls and fruits.

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FS (Ċippa): $35

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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

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45 Ħieles Spins L-ebda Depożitu

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FS (Ċippa): 45

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Validu sa avviż ieħor

USA Kanada
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18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

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Flush Depożitu Bonus

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FS (Ċippa): 150% Bonus Kripto

Kodiċi(i) tal-bonus: MHUX APPLIKABBLI

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Ifdi Promozzjoni

18+ Plejers Ġodda Biss. Min. Rekwiżit tal-Imħatri. Validu sa Avviż Aktar. Applika T&C sħaħ

Bonuses tal-Logħob

Unlike most free slot machines that do not offer special features, the Black Horse Slot Game għandha three different bonuses, and they will give up to forty-five free spins. When playing this game, you will collect coins on the third reel.

If you get nine coins, 15 free spins will be activated. You are sure to activate this feature because the coins will show up very often.

il Horseshoe Bonus will start when 3 of the horseshoe symbols land in any position on the reels, except for the winning lines. You can win some great prizes in the 30 Free Spins round.

il Black Horse Bonus is another one you can activate when 3 of the Black Horse symbols land in any position on the reels, except for the winning lines. When the bonus is activated by 3 black horses, they will come to life and gallop towards the sunset. You’ll earn forty-five free spins if you catch the Black Horse.

Inti garantit li tirbaħ premjijiet kbar hekk kif ir-rebħiet kollha tiegħek jiġu ttripplikati matul it-tliet rawnds ta 'bonus. Tista 'wkoll terġa' tkebbes il-Free Spins fir-rotazzjoni tal-bonus b'xejn.

With great prizes, karatteristiċi speċjali, graphics and an exciting theme, the Black Horse Fruit Machine is becoming very popular amongst online casino players.

Get your riding boots and hats ready to spin the reels and ride the black horse in the Wild West right now to see yourself!

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