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Golden Fish Tank Demo Slot Game » from Yggdrasil

3.3 / 5. 3

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Fornitur tal-Logħob: Yggdrasil

RTP: 95.9%

Linji ta 'ħlas: 20

Bet Minimu: 0.2

Bet Bet: 100

Progressiv: Nru

Tip: Slott tal-vidjow

tema: Sottomarin

Volatilità: Medja

Rilaxx Data: 01/02/2016

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Tank tad-Deheb tal-Ħut

If you’re looking to dive down into the depths of the world’s Oceans, and uncover the beautiful creatures that swim around, then Tank tad-Deheb tal-Ħut is a slot machine game you’re going to want to make sure you don’t miss!

Golden Fish Tank demo slot

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game Karatteristiċi

il karatteristika ewlenija is triggered by landing 3 or more of the free spin symbols – they appear on all five reels. When this happens, you’ll get the option of ‘choosing’ one of the free spins symbols.

There are multiple different ‘choices’ available to be picked, including 4 free spins, an extra wild symbol added to the reels, adding 1 or 2 extra wild symbols to the reels, or turning all of the fish symbols into wilds.

Once you’ve picked your symbol, the free spins round begins, and you then have the chance to begin winning! Unlike many of Yggdrasil’s games, it is possible to terġa 'tqajjem il-karatteristika ħielsa spins matul il- round round, simply by landing more scatter symbols. The only disadvantage however, is that you don’t get the option to ‘pick’ anymore, as the original choice you made will be consistent throughout the free spins rounds.

Tank tad-Deheb tal-Ħut underwent some serious problems when it first came out; mobile users were complaining that the reels were often lagging or freezing mid-spin, and it got so bad mobile operations had to be halted while the issues were fixed.

B'xorti tajba, Yggdrasil have come back stronger than ever before, and now, they’re re-released the mobile version of the game – which runs better than almost any video slot we’ve seen before.

Quick spinning, easy changing of the game options, and reliable software help to make Logħba tas-slot Golden Fish Tank is a great option for players who wish to enjoy gaming from mobile devices, and it’s as simple as opening the game up from your mobile Internet browser, and beginning to spin!


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